
Self-talk is Powerful
5 Ways Not to Break Your Fitness Routine During Social Distancing

Workout at Home There have been several medical, news, and social media about social distancing and keeping active. A significant danger of being inactive can lead to a mental breakdown, increased unhealthy eating, and a couch potato syndrome. Thus, let's step back and evaluate these points..

Let me put this in a clearer perspective, and evaluate the core principles on how not to break your fitness routine, and if you have not established one, print this.

  1. Create a peaceful, serene place in your home

    Having this meditation place helps reset your mind and increases a sense of calmness throughout your body. In these uncertain times, right now is the perfect time to take a break from burnout overload. Unwind, take a deep breath, clear your mind, and sit quietly. It's ok! If you feel good, it shows outwardly. Everyone around you will feel the energy.

  2. Scheduling your daily workouts for self-care

    When you have a scheduled time to workout daily, it's a reminder you created a commitment to yourself. Self-care helps you stay active, fit, and mentally ready for work and personal obligations.
  3. Find a workout friend

    Working with a friend can be fun! Find someone who is about the same fitness level as you. Challenge and pushing each other keeps both of you to 'stay in the game' and motivated. Also, having a fitness partner encourages you to commit to the fitness and health journey.

  4. Have a good sleep schedule

    Sleep is essential to our lives. Your body needs sleep to recover, rebuild, and regenerate your muscle repair after an intense workout and brain functions by improving memory and even regulating the libido. Bonus!

  5. Eat to fuel your body

    In this new era in our lives, we all need to establish a different eating lifestyle that fits within the latest schedule and still meets the essential nutrients, like good fat, healthy carbs, and protein. 
Coronavirus may change our way of living

Coronavirus changes everything in our daily life and continues to unfold across the world. When a person becomes infected with the Coronavirus, it replicates in their respiratory tract, causing infection and fevers.  

Naturally, we all know if we have a fever or are continually sneezing, it would be best to stay home to heal. But, in a serious matter, there may be a possibility we will be self-isolating ourselves to help prevent the spread of any virus. 

Smart wellness starts with hygiene. If you are showing any signs of illness, get checked by your doctor, drink plenty of clear liquids, rest often, and wash your hands after each use. 

Best health practices are essential than ever. We are already noticing the impact on facilities such as restaurants, movie theaters, sporting events, and gyms. Being in an environment where your health may be compromised is something to consider. Flu viruses can stay active for 24 hours on hard surfaces, compared to cold viruses can survive up to seven days on indoor surfaces! It makes you think twice about going to the gym. Many times someone is sweating as they are pumping iron,  or whileusing the benches, or dripping as they hold the rails of the stair master. In observation,  their is a small handful of gym members that are mindful of others and many that are not considerate. 

Cooking at home is becoming more mainstream, movie night is becoming an at-home family night, sporting events viewed as steaming events, and lastly, working out 'at-home' is becoming the best alternative to going to the gyms!


Yo-Yo Dieting

Yo-Yo dieting is very common in our repertoire of adjusting when needed or have the desire to drop weight for a specific upcoming event. I can attest to this many times. Especially when I was ready to have another child or for my 25th class reunion! The question is, how many times is it ok to keep changing the way we eat? Will changing our diet often cause health discomfort? If we continue adjusting our weight in a repetitive cycle of gaining, losing, and the dreaded regaining weight show any long term negative impact? What is the effect of our overall health?

There have been several studies concerning yo-yo dieting — for instance, yo-yo dieting and weight gain, yo-yo dieting and metabolism, yo-yo dieting and weight cycling, lastly, yo-yo dieting and weight loss.

Let's focus on the repetitive cycling of weight. The International Journal of Complementary & Alternative Medicine in 2016 talks about the readiness to lose weight, maintain it and incorporate the mindset of weight-related behaviors. In researching further, In 2018, The Mayo Clinic did not find that yo-yo dieting may lead to long term effects is still inclusive evidence; however, it did state an increase in belly fat and weight gain in more than half of their subjects. Those subjects happen to increase their risk of obesity and were more likely to appear to increase future weight gain from the yo-yo effect.

In conclusion, after several repetitive cycling of yo-yo dieting, there is a possibility weighing more than when you started afterward with higher body fat and less muscle. It may be best to eat sensibly daily, with an assortment of a healthy variety of foods, to get all the nutrients you need to fuel your body. Avoid the extreme changes of yo-yoing may help avoid any serious health issues that may arise. Food is not our enemy; food is our fuel!

Party of 6

My family is an instant party! With six people with a very different taste, it can become a restaurant in my own home. 

Imagine cooking for six individual tastes and interests. I always start with a common protein source for the meal that fits everyone. 

Let's say, its salmon. By the way, our boys LOVE salmon! First, I marinate the salmon in the sake, then sprinkle Himalayan salt over the salmon for about an hour or two. Afterward, I drain the sake and pat dry both sides of the salmon. Then pan fry it with coconut oil on low heat till the outside turns to a lighter color.

For greens, everyone's favorite is either green beans or broccoli. Today, I used broccoli. Rinse the florets and pat dry them. Next, grab the stems and dip the florets into coconut oil and swirl it around for an excellent coating. Place broccoli on the pan, sprinkle Himalayan salt to taste over the broccoli, and put in the oven for 350 degrees till slightly browned. 

Lastly is the complex carb. Japanese rice is a must-have with this meal. It's easy to make! Measure 2 1/4 cup of short-grain rice. Place in a strainer and rinse till water runs clear. Then, let the rice sit for 30 minutes. Next, cook rice in a pot, put rice, and 2 /14 cup of water in the pot. Let the rice soak in the water for at least 30 minutes to an hour. An hour is best. Cover the pot with a lid and bring to a boil on high heat. Turn the heat down to low and cook about 20 minutes, or until the water is almost gone. Stop the heat and let it steam for about 15 minutes before opening the lid. Fluff the rice with a fork and start plating. 

Once plated to the size of their portion of each food category, the special touches happen with each meal. Below is an example of each plate.

Plate #1 Salmon, broccoli with Italian dressing, and rice with butter.

Plate#2  Salmon and broccoli only. 

Plate #3 Salmon, broccoli, and rice as cooked.

Plate #4 Salmon with olive oil sprayed on it, and broccoli with one whole avocado chunks and a sprinkle of parmesan cheese.

Plate #5 Salmon, broccoli with alfredo sauce, and rice with Tajin and butter.

Plate #6 Salmon, broccoli with Tajin, and rice with butter. 

There you have it! Party of 6 made to order. That's how this family feist. Share in comments your special touches for each family member you do when plating.